Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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1,241 lines
Begin Form thetime
BackColor = &H00FFFFFF&
Caption = "theTime"
ClientHeight = 1335
ClientLeft = 1845
ClientTop = 1995
ClientWidth = 4320
ClipControls = 0 'False
Height = 1740
Icon = THETIME.FRX:0000
KeyPreview = -1 'True
Left = 1785
LinkTopic = "Form2"
ScaleHeight = 89
ScaleMode = 3 'Pixel
ScaleWidth = 288
Top = 1650
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 4440
Begin MsgBlaster MsgBlaster1
Prop8 = "Click on ""..."" for the About Box ---->"
Begin CommonDialog CMDialog1
Left = 0
Top = 360
Begin Timer Timer1
Enabled = 0 'False
Interval = 1000
Left = 0
Top = 0
Begin PZLabel TimePan
Height = 1065
Left = 870
PictureStyle = 3 'Tiled
TabIndex = 0
Top = 90
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 2535
Option Explicit
'* *
'* theTime, a mildly interesting Windows 3.x clock *
'* Written by Visual Bits *
'* Copyright ⌐ 1995 *
'* *
'* This software and any documentation are supplied *
'* "AS IS". The author makes no warranty of any *
'* kind, either express or implied, with respect to *
'* this software and accompanying documentation. In *
'* no event shall the author of this software be *
'* liable for any damages arising out of the use of *
'* this product. Your use of this software indicates *
'* that you have read and agreed to these terms. *
'* *
'* Other then that, you may use this program's *
'* source code in any way you find useful. *
'* *
'* *
' first identify yourself
Const AppName = "theTime"
Const Version = "2.5"
Const Company = "Visual Bits"
Const CopyRight = "Copyright ⌐ 1995"
' variables used throughout this form
Dim MyRect As RECT
Dim BorderSize As Integer, TitleSize As Integer
Dim dtw As Integer, dth As Integer ' short for desktop width & height
Dim TopMost As Integer
Dim Border As Integer, OldBorder As Integer
Dim Stuck As Integer
Dim Zoomed As Integer
Dim hMyMenu As Integer
' Background modes
Const BM_SOLID = 0
Const BM_BITMAP = 1
Dim BackMode As Integer
Dim BackBmp As String
Dim ErasingBackgrnd As Integer
Dim InitFile As String
Dim nl As String
' bit mask for date and time menu options
Dim DateOption As Integer
Const DO_DF = &H7
Const DO_MT = &H10
Const DO_DN = &H20
Const DO_FM = &H40
Const DO_FY = &H80
Const DO_1L = &H100
' bit mask for Font options
Const FO_3D = &H7
Const FO_BD = &H10
Const FO_IT = &H20
Const FO_ST = &H40
Const FO_UL = &H80
' save the last time and date displayed
Dim sTime As String, sDate As String
' the so called font factor, used to guess how large fonts should be
Dim FontFact As Single
Sub AdjustForm (f As Form)
'* *
'* Adjust the position of a form to be either just *
'* above the main form or just below it, but never *
'* off the screen. *
'* *
Dim fLeft As Integer, ftop As Integer, gap As Integer
Dim i As Integer
gap = BorderSize * Tpx
' put the horizontal position in the middle of the time
fLeft = Left - (f.Width - Width) \ 2
' but not off the screen
i = Screen.Width - f.Width - gap
If fLeft > i Then fLeft = i
If fLeft < gap Then fLeft = gap
' put the vertical postion above or below the time
If Top + Height \ 2 > Screen.Height \ 2 Then
ftop = Top - f.Height - gap
ftop = Top + Height + gap
End If
' or in the middle of the time if off the screen
i = Screen.Height - f.Height - gap
If ftop < gap Or ftop > i Then
ftop = Top + (Height - f.Height) \ 2
End If
f.Move fLeft, ftop
End Sub
Sub CheckBackItem ()
'* *
'* Check the background mode menu items and set *
'* BackMode accordingly. *
'* *
Dim hSubMenu As Integer
hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hMyMenu, 4)
CheckMenuItem hSubMenu, BackMode, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_CHECKED
CheckMenuItem hSubMenu, (BackMode Xor 3) And BM_BITMAP, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_UNCHECKED
End Sub
Function CreateMyMenu () As Integer
'* *
'* This creates the menu that is inserted into the *
'* system menu and pops up whenever the right button *
'* is clicked. Note that using a VB created menu *
'* is not possible since a VB menu must be visible *
'* on the form menu line to be popped up. *
'* *
Dim hMenu As Integer, hSub1Menu As Integer, hSub2Menu As Integer
Dim checked As Integer
hMenu = CreateMenu()
checked = 0: If TopMost = HWND_TOPMOST Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING Or checked, 100, ("&Keep On Top")
checked = 0: If Border Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING Or checked, 200, ("&Title Bar")
checked = 0: If Stuck Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING Or checked, 700, ("&Stuck")
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0&
hSub1Menu = CreateMenu()
checked = 0: If BackMode = BM_SOLID Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 310, ("&Solid Background")
checked = 0: If BackMode = BM_BITMAP Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 320, ("&Load Bitmap...")
checked = 0: If BackMode = BM_TRANSPARENT Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 330, ("&Transparent")
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0&
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING, 340, ("&Background Color...")
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_POPUP, hSub1Menu, ("&Background")
hSub1Menu = CreateMenu()
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING, 420, ("&Font...")
hSub2Menu = CreateMenu()
checked = 0: If TimePan.Font3D = 0 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 410, ("&1 None")
checked = 0: If TimePan.Font3D = 1 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 411, ("&2 Block Left")
checked = 0: If TimePan.Font3D = 2 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 412, ("&3 Block Right")
checked = 0: If TimePan.Font3D = 3 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 413, ("&4 Drop Left")
checked = 0: If TimePan.Font3D = 4 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 414, ("&5 Drop Right")
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_POPUP, hSub2Menu, ("Font &3D Options")
hSub2Menu = CreateMenu()
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING, 418, ("&Increase")
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING, 416, ("&Decrease")
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING, 419, ("I&ncrease More")
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING, 415, ("D&ecrease More")
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_POPUP, hSub2Menu, ("Font 3D &Sizes")
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING, 425, ("Font 3D &Color...")
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0&
checked = 0: If DateOption And DO_MT Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 430, ("Military &Time")
checked = 0: If DateOption And DO_DN Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 440, ("Full &Day")
checked = 0: If DateOption And DO_FM Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 450, ("Full &Month")
checked = 0: If DateOption And DO_FY Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 460, ("Full &Year")
checked = 0: If DateOption And DO_1L Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 465, ("One &Line")
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0&
hSub2Menu = CreateMenu()
checked = 0: If (DateOption And DO_DF) = 0 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 470, ("&1 No Date")
checked = 0: If (DateOption And DO_DF) = 1 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 471, ("&2 m/d/y")
checked = 0: If (DateOption And DO_DF) = 2 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 472, ("&3 dd-mmm-y")
checked = 0: If (DateOption And DO_DF) = 3 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 473, ("&4 mmm dd, y")
checked = 0: If (DateOption And DO_DF) = 4 Then checked = MF_CHECKED
AppendMenu hSub2Menu, MF_STRING Or checked, 474, ("&4 mmm dd")
AppendMenu hSub1Menu, MF_POPUP, hSub2Menu, ("Date &Options")
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_POPUP, hSub1Menu, ("&Font && Time/Date Format")
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING, 500, ("Bevel && Border &Options...")
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0&
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING, 600, ("&About...")
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0&
AppendMenu hMenu, MF_STRING, 900, ("E&xit")
CreateMyMenu = hMenu
End Function
Sub EraseBackGrnd ()
'* *
'* When theTime's form is transparent this routine *
'* deals with erasing the background and making it *
'* visible again. Since the normal EraseBackgrnd *
'* message is captured the VB form never paints. *
'* Therefore by painting only the foreground of the *
'* Pizazz control the illusion of transparancy is *
'* created. The big trick is whenever the form is *
'* moved or resized or painted you need to make the *
'* form briefly invisible so the real background is *
'* updated, then make the form visible and paint *
'* the foreground. This routine does just that. *
'* *
'* ErasingBackgrnd is a state variable. *
'* 0 : hide the window *
'* -1: busy, go away *
'* 1: window is hidden, so show it *
'* *
Dim i As Integer
If IsIconic(hWnd) = 0 And BackMode = BM_TRANSPARENT Then
If ErasingBackgrnd = 0 Then
ErasingBackgrnd = -1 ' working...
ShowWindow hWnd, SW_HIDE
ErasingBackgrnd = 1
ElseIf ErasingBackgrnd = 1 Then
ErasingBackgrnd = -1 ' working...
ShowWindow hWnd, i
ErasingBackgrnd = 0 ' all done
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_KeyDown (keycode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'* *
'* Handle the keyboard from here. Allow the form *
'* to be moved around the screen using the arrow *
'* and shift keys. *
'* *
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, MyW As Integer, MyH As Integer
If IsZoomed(hWnd) Or Stuck Then Exit Sub
GetWindowRect hWnd, MyRect
x = MyRect.Left
y = MyRect.Top
MyW = MyRect.Right - MyRect.Left
MyH = MyRect.Bottom - MyRect.Top
Select Case keycode
If Shift = 1 Then
x = 0
x = x - 10
End If
If Shift = 1 Then
y = 0
y = y - 10
End If
If Shift = 1 Then
x = dtw - MyW
x = x + 10
End If
If Shift = 1 Then
y = dth - MyH
y = y + 10
End If
End Select
SetWindowPos hWnd, 0, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
'* *
'* This is the starting point. Setup the global *
'* variables and the message blaster control, read *
'* the ini file, show the form, and start the timer. *
'* *
Dim hSysMenu As Integer
Dim aRect As RECT
Dim s As String
' Initialize global variables
Set CD = CmDialog1
Border = True
DateOption = 1
nl = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
FontFact = 1#
InitFile = app.Path & "\theTime.ini"
ErasingBackgrnd = True
' Get the DeskTop (Screen) and non-client dimensions
GetClientRect GetDeskTopWindow(), aRect
dtw = aRect.Right
dth = aRect.Bottom
Tpx = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX: Tpy = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
BorderSize = (Width \ Tpx - ScaleWidth)
TitleSize = (Height \ Tpy - ScaleHeight) - BorderSize
BorderSize = BorderSize \ 2
' Setup the Message handling
MsgBlaster1.hWndTarget = hWnd
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(0) = WM_NCHITTEST
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(0) = -1 ' preprocess
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(1) = WM_RBUTTONDOWN
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(1) = 0 ' eat it
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(2) = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(2) = 0 ' eat it
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(3) = WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(3) = 0 ' eat it
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(4) = WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(4) = 0 ' eat it
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(5) = WM_COMMAND
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(5) = 1 ' post process
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(6) = WM_SYSCOMMAND
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(6) = 1 ' post process
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(7) = WM_DROPFILES
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(7) = 1 ' post process
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(8) = WM_MOUSEACTIVATE
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(8) = 0' eat it
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(9) = WM_ERASEBKGND
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(9) = 0 'eat it
MsgBlaster1.MsgList(10) = WM_MOVE
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(10) = 1 'post process
DragAcceptFiles hWnd, True
' create our menu and add it to the system menu
hMyMenu = CreateMyMenu()
hSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(hWnd, 0)
AppendMenu hSysMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0&
s = AppName & " Options"
AppendMenu hSysMenu, MF_POPUP, hMyMenu, (s)
ErasingBackgrnd = False
OldBorder = Border
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Sub Form_Resize ()
'* *
'* When a form resizes and it's an icon put the time *
'* in the caption. When borders come or go we *
'* generally don't need to handle the resulting *
'* resize, unless the form has been maxed (zoomed). *
'* Otherwise, reset the caption, resize the font, *
'* and size the panel. Oh, call EraseBackGrnd in *
'* case the form is transparent. *
'* *
If IsIconic(hWnd) Then
Caption = sTime
ElseIf (OldBorder = Border) Or IsZoomed(hWnd) Then
If ErasingBackgrnd = 0 Then EraseBackGrnd
Caption = AppName
TimePan.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
End If
End Sub
Sub LoadBitMap ()
'* *
'* Put up a common dialog box to load a bitmap file. *
'* *
CD.DialogTitle = "Background Bitmap"
CD.Filter = "BMP files|*.bmp|RLE Files|*.rle|All Files|*.*"
CD.FilterIndex = 1
CD.Filename = BackBmp
Screen.MousePointer = 11
Timer1.Enabled = False
BackBmp = CD.Filename
BackMode = BM_BITMAP
Timer1.Enabled = True
Screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub
Sub LoadInitFile ()
'* *
'* Read in the .ini file and set most of the global *
'* variables to reflect what you find. *
'* *
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim f As String, p As String
Dim R As String * 80
'On Error Resume Next
f = InitFile
p = "Preferences"
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "Position", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 7 Then
j = 1: i = InStr(j, R, " "): If i Then MyRect.Left = Val(Mid$(R, j, i - j))
j = i + 1: i = InStr(j, R, " "): If i Then MyRect.Right = Val(Mid$(R, j, i - j))
j = i + 1: i = InStr(j, R, " "): If i Then MyRect.Top = Val(Mid$(R, j, i - j))
j = i + 1: i = Len(R): If i > j Then MyRect.Bottom = Val(Mid$(R, j, i - j))
' the point of the next line is to position the form off the screen until
' after it is made visible by the ShowForm procedure
' otherwise you get an instant of "garbage" when the form is
' first made visible
Move Screen.Width, Screen.Height
' Arbitrary position defaults
i = 260 * Tpx
j = 80 * Tpy
Move Screen.Width - i, Screen.Height - j, i, j
GetWindowRect hWnd, MyRect
End If
If MyRect.Left > dtw Then
MyRect.Left = dtw \ 2 - 130
MyRect.Right = dtw \ 2 + 130
End If
If MyRect.Top > dth Then
MyRect.Top = dth \ 2 - 40
MyRect.Bottom = dth \ 2 + 40
End If
Zoomed = (GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "State", 1, f) = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
If app.PrevInstance Then
' you can have more then one instance, but randomize the placement
Zoomed = 0
i = MyRect.Bottom - MyRect.Top
MyRect.Top = (dth - i) * Rnd
MyRect.Bottom = MyRect.Top + i
i = MyRect.Right - MyRect.Left
MyRect.Left = (dtw - i) * Rnd
MyRect.Right = MyRect.Left + i
End If
TopMost = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "TopMost", -2, f)
Border = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "Border", True, f)
If Border = False Then
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(2) = 0 'eat WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK
End If
OldBorder = Border
Stuck = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "Stuck", False, f)
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "BackColor", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then TimePan.BackColor = Val(R)
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "ForeColor", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then TimePan.ForeColor = Val(R)
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "FontName", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then TimePan.FontName = Left$(R, i)
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "FontOption", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then
j = Val(R)
TimePan.FontBold = j And FO_BD
TimePan.FontItalic = j And FO_IT
TimePan.FontStrikethru = j And FO_ST
TimePan.FontUnderline = j And FO_UL
TimePan.Font3D = j And FO_3D
End If
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "FontFact", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then FontFact = Val(R)
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "Font3DColor", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then TimePan.Font3DColor = Val(R)
TimePan.Font3DSize = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "Font3DSize", 0, f)
TimePan.BevelInner = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BevelInner", 1, f)
TimePan.BevelOuter = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BevelOuter", 2, f)
TimePan.BevelInnerShading = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BevelInnerShading", 0, f)
TimePan.BevelOuterShading = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BevelOuterShading", 0, f)
TimePan.BevelInnerWidth = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BevelInnerWidth", 1, f)
TimePan.BevelOuterWidth = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BevelOuterWidth", 2, f)
TimePan.BorderInner = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BorderInner", 0, f)
TimePan.BorderOuter = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BorderOuter", 0, f)
TimePan.BorderInnerWidth = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BorderInnerWidth", 0, f)
TimePan.BorderOuterWidth = GetPrivateProfileInt(p, "BorderOuterWidth", 0, f)
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "BorderInnerColor", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then TimePan.BorderInnerColor = Val(R)
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "BorderOuterColor", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then TimePan.BorderOuterColor = Val(R)
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "DateOption", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then DateOption = Val(R)
j = 0
i = GetPrivateProfileString(p, "BackMode", "", R, 80, f)
If i >= 1 Then
BackMode = Val(R)
If BackMode = BM_BITMAP Then BackBmp = Mid$(R, 3, i - 2)
End If
End Sub
Sub MakeAboutMsg ()
'* *
'* Make a shameless self promotion for yourself. *
'* *
Dim s As String
s = AppName & " " & Version & nl
s = s & "by " & Company
AboutFrm!AboutLab(0) = s
s = "P.O. Box 243" & nl
s = s & "Watertown, MA 02272" & nl
s = s & "CIS: 70402, 3651" & nl
s = s & "E-Mail: 70402.3651@compuserve.com" & nl
s = s & CopyRight
AboutFrm!AboutLab(1) = s
s = " theTime is a free program written in "
s = s & "Visual Basic 3.0 - see technote.txt for the "
s = s & "techy details and see theTime.wri for "
s = s & "information about using it.... "
s = s & "Enjoy! (Ben Jones)"
AboutFrm!AboutLab(2) = s
End Sub
Sub MenuStuff (ByVal index As Integer, CheckIt As Integer)
'* *
'* Manage the checking and unchecking of menu items. *
'* *
Dim hSubMenu As Integer, checked As Integer
checked = MF_UNCHECKED
hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hMyMenu, 5)
If CheckIt Then checked = MF_CHECKED
CheckMenuItem hSubMenu, index, MF_BYPOSITION Or checked
' make the changes happen instantly
End Sub
Sub MsgBlaster1_Message (MsgVal As Integer, wparam As Integer, lParam As Long, ReturnVal As Long)
'* *
'* Event handler for the ModBlaster control which *
'* is a slightly modified version of MsgBlaster that *
'* is found and documented on the MSDN CD. *
'* *
Dim hSubMenu As Integer
Dim checked As Integer
Dim lpoint As Long
Dim R As String * 80
Select Case MsgVal
' if there's no title/border and not maximized and not stuck then
' and the click is in the client area then change it into a title
' bar click so the window can be moved be clicking and dragging it
If ReturnVal = HTCLIENT And Not Border And IsZoomed(hWnd) = 0 And Not Stuck Then
End If
' pop up the menu on a right mouse click in the client area
' which would be in the non client area (title bar) when
' there is no title bar cause of what we did above
lpoint = lParam
ClientToScreenBylong hWnd, lpoint
ElseIf Border Then
GoTo NoPopupMenu ' one goto per program I always say...
End If
checked = TrackPopupMenu(hMyMenu, 0, mbLoWord(lpoint), mbHiWord(lpoint), 0, hWnd, 0)
ReturnVal = 0 ' this is required when if eat it
' switch to a title bar/border if there isn't one
If Not Border Then
Border = True
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(2) = 1 'let windows post process WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK
End If
ReturnVal = 0 ' this is required if we eat it
' get rid of the title bar/border if there is one
Border = Not Border
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(2) = 0 'eat WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK
ReturnVal = 0 ' this is required if we eat it
' if stuck then avoid getting focus
If Stuck Then
ReturnVal = 0 ' this is required when if eat it
End If
If ErasingBackgrnd = 0 Then EraseBackGrnd
' suppress normal erase backgound proccesing
ReturnVal = 1
If DragQueryFile(wparam, 0, R, 80) Then
'Debug.Print "dropfile, begin"
Timer1.Enabled = False
BackBmp = R
BackMode = BM_BITMAP
Timer1.Enabled = True
End If
DragFinish wparam
ReturnVal = 0
'Debug.Print "dropfile, end"
ReturnVal = False ' this prevents post-processing by the modblaster control
checked = MF_CHECKED
' cancel fetching the background
Select Case wparam
Case 100 ' Top most
checked = MF_UNCHECKED
End If
CheckMenuItem hMyMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION Or checked
Case 200 ' Title Bar
Border = Not Border
If Not Border Then
checked = MF_UNCHECKED
MsgBlaster1.MsgPassage(2) = 0 'eat WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK
End If
CheckMenuItem hMyMenu, 1, MF_BYPOSITION Or checked
Case 700 ' Stuck
Stuck = Not Stuck
If Not Stuck Then
checked = MF_UNCHECKED
End If
CheckMenuItem hMyMenu, 2, MF_BYPOSITION Or checked
Case 310
BackMode = BM_SOLID
Case 320
Case 330
Case 340 ' Background Color
CD.Color = TimePan.BackColor
TimePan.BackColor = CD.Color
Case 410 To 414 ' Font 3d Options
hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hMyMenu, 5)
hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hSubMenu, 0)
CheckMenuItem hSubMenu, TimePan.Font3D, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_UNCHECKED
CheckMenuItem hSubMenu, wparam - 410, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_CHECKED
TimePan.Font3D = wparam - 410
Case 415 To 419 ' Font 3d Size
checked = TimePan.Font3DSize + wparam - 417
If checked > 0 And checked <= 30 Then
TimePan.Font3DSize = checked
End If
Case 420 ' thetime fonts
CD.Color = TimePan.ForeColor
CD.FontBold = TimePan.FontBold
CD.FontItalic = TimePan.FontItalic
CD.FontName = TimePan.FontName
CD.FontSize = TimePan.FontSize
CD.FontStrikeThru = TimePan.FontStrikethru
CD.FontUnderLine = TimePan.FontUnderline
CD.Action = DLG_FONT
TimePan.ForeColor = CD.Color
TimePan.FontBold = CD.FontBold
TimePan.FontItalic = CD.FontItalic
TimePan.FontName = CD.FontName
FontFact = FontFact * CD.FontSize / TimePan.FontSize
TimePan.FontSize = CD.FontSize
TimePan.FontStrikethru = CD.FontStrikeThru
TimePan.FontUnderline = CD.FontUnderLine
Case 425 ' Font 3D Color
CD.Color = TimePan.Font3DColor
TimePan.Font3DColor = CD.Color
Case 430' Military Time
DateOption = DateOption Xor DO_MT
MenuStuff 3, DateOption And DO_MT
Case 440' Full Day
DateOption = DateOption Xor DO_DN
MenuStuff 4, DateOption And DO_DN
Case 450' Full Month
DateOption = DateOption Xor DO_FM
MenuStuff 5, DateOption And DO_FM
Case 460' Full Year
DateOption = DateOption Xor DO_FY
MenuStuff 6, DateOption And DO_FY
Case 465' Two Lines
DateOption = DateOption Xor DO_1L
MenuStuff 7, DateOption And DO_1L
Case 470 To 474' Date Options
hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hMyMenu, 5)
hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hSubMenu, 9)
CheckMenuItem hSubMenu, DateOption And DO_DF, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_UNCHECKED
CheckMenuItem hSubMenu, wparam - 470, MF_BYPOSITION Or MF_CHECKED
DateOption = (DateOption And (Not DO_DF)) Or wparam - 470
Case 500' Bevels
Case 600' About
Case 900' Exit - but don't end in the middle of this message
If (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) And &H8000) = 0 Then
' shift key not pressed, go ahead and exit
' first un-subclass everybody
MsgBlaster1.hWndTarget = 0
MsgBlaster1.hWndTarget = 0
FreeLibrary (GetModuleHandle("modblast.vbx"))
End If
Case SC_CLOSE ' handle this so we can un-subclass and free the library
ReturnVal = True ' enable post-processing
Case Else
ReturnVal = True ' enable post-processing
End Select
End Select
End Sub
Sub ResizeFont ()
'* *
'* Attempt to resize the font proportionately to the *
'* size of theTime's panel. FontFact keeps track of *
'* the size of the font relative to the form. It's *
'* a kludge but it seems to work. *
'* *
Dim Fsw As Single, Fsh As Single
Dim lines As Single, x As Single
Dim aRect As RECT
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
If InStr(sDate, nl) Then
lines = 2.5
j = Len(sDate) - 1
If j < Len(sTime) Then
j = Len(sTime)
End If
lines = 1.5
j = Len(sDate & sTime)
If j = 0 Then Exit Sub
End If
If TimePan.BorderOuter Then i = i + TimePan.BorderOuterWidth
If TimePan.BevelOuter Then i = i + TimePan.BevelInnerWidth
If TimePan.BorderInner Then i = i + TimePan.BorderInnerWidth
If TimePan.BevelInner Then i = i + TimePan.BevelInnerWidth
GetClientRect hWnd, aRect
InflateRect aRect, -i, -i
Fsw = (aRect.Right - aRect.Left) * Tpx * FontFact / (10 * j) ' how big can the fonts be according to width
Fsh = (aRect.Bottom - aRect.Top) * Tpy * FontFact / (20 * lines)' ... according to height
If Fsw < Fsh Then
x = Fsw
x = Fsh
End If
If x < 8# Then x = 8#
TimePan.FontSize = x
End Sub
Sub SaveInitFile ()
'* *
'* Write the ini file. *
'* *
Dim i As Integer
Dim f As String, p As String, s As String
If app.PrevInstance Then
Exit Sub
End If
Screen.MousePointer = 11
f = InitFile
p = "Preferences"
MyPlace.Length = 22
GetWindowPlacement hWnd, MyPlace
CopyRect MyRect, MyPlace.rcNormalPosition
s = Str$(MyRect.Left) & Str$(MyRect.Right) & Str$(MyRect.Top) & Str$(MyRect.Bottom)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "Position", s, f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "State", Str$(MyPlace.ShowCmd), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "TopMost", Str$(TopMost), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "Border", Str$(Border), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "Stuck", Str$(Stuck), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BackColor", "&h" & Hex$(TimePan.BackColor) & "&", f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "ForeColor", "&h" & Hex$(TimePan.ForeColor) & "&", f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "FontName", TimePan.FontName, f)
i = TimePan.Font3D
If TimePan.FontBold Then i = i Or FO_BD
If TimePan.FontItalic Then i = i Or FO_IT
If TimePan.FontStrikethru Then i = i Or FO_ST
If TimePan.FontUnderline Then i = i Or FO_UL
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "FontOption", "&h" & Hex$(i), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "FontFact", Str$(FontFact), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "Font3DColor", "&h" & Hex$(TimePan.Font3DColor) & "&", f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "Font3DSize", Str$(TimePan.Font3DSize), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BevelInner", Str$(TimePan.BevelInner), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BevelOuter", Str$(TimePan.BevelOuter), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BevelInnerShading", Str$(TimePan.BevelInnerShading), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BevelOuterShading", Str$(TimePan.BevelOuterShading), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BevelInnerWidth", Str$(TimePan.BevelInnerWidth), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BevelOuterWidth", Str$(TimePan.BevelOuterWidth), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BorderInner", Str$(TimePan.BorderInner), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BorderOuter", Str$(TimePan.BorderOuter), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BorderInnerWidth", Str$(TimePan.BorderInnerWidth), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BorderOuterWidth", Str$(TimePan.BorderOuterWidth), f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BorderInnerColor", "&h" & Hex$(TimePan.BorderInnerColor) & "&", f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "BorderOuterColor", "&h" & Hex$(TimePan.BorderOuterColor) & "&", f)
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "DateOption", "&h" & Hex$(DateOption), f)
s = Str$(BackMode) & " " & BackBmp
i = WritePrivateProfileString(p, "Backmode", s, f)
Screen.MousePointer = 0
End Sub
Sub SetBackMode ()
'* *
'* Set the background modeont proportionately to the *
'* size of theTime's panel. FontFact keeps track of *
'* the size of the font relative to the form. It's *
'* a kludge but it seems to work. *
'* *
On Error Resume Next
TimePan.BackStyle = 1
If BackMode = BM_SOLID Then
TimePan.Picture = LoadPicture("")
BackBmp = ""
ElseIf BackMode = BM_BITMAP Then ' loading a bitmap
TimePan.Picture = LoadPicture(BackBmp)
If Err <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Error loading " & BackBmp & nl & "Invalid bitmap file format!", 48
' no bitmap loaded
BackMode = BM_SOLID
BackBmp = ""
End If
TimePan.BackStyle = 0
' the next two lines do about the same thing. One advantage to using
' InvalidateRectbynum is that erasing the background can be turned off
'InvalidateRectbynum hwnd, 0, True
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowAboutFrm ()
'* *
'* Show a shameless self promotion. *
'* *
Dim i As Integer
AdjustForm AboutFrm
AboutFrm.Caption = "About " & AppName
AboutFrm!AboutPan.Icon = Icon
' this form might need to be set topmost
SetWindowPos AboutFrm.hWnd, TopMost, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOACTIVATE
AboutFrm.Show 1
Unload AboutFrm
End Sub
Sub ShowBevelOptFrm ()
'* *
'* Now for the really interesting stuff. Show a *
'* dialog box that is almost entirely created out of *
'* PZLabels. PZLabels are part of Pizazz.vbx, an *
'* inexpensize VBX that can be purchased through *
'* Compuserve (#6551). Remarkably enough, it is *
'* possible to make tabs, 3D options, and 3D spin *
'* buttons with a little code and Pizazz!. *
'* *
Dim f As Form, T As PZLabel
ReDim opt(1) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
' use object variables to make my typing easier!
Set f = BevelOptFrm
Set T = TimePan
AdjustForm f
' pass properties using tags
f!TabPan.Tag = "0" ' set the "up" tab
f!Tabs(0).Tag = Str$(T.BevelOuter)
f!Tabs(1).Tag = Str$(T.BevelInner)
f!Tabs(2).Tag = Str$(T.BorderOuter)
f!Tabs(3).Tag = Str$(T.BorderInner)
f!WidthLab(0) = Str$(T.BevelOuterWidth)
f!WidthLab(1) = Str$(T.BevelInnerWidth)
f!WidthLab(2) = Str$(T.BorderOuterWidth)
f!WidthLab(3) = Str$(T.BorderInnerWidth)
' setting the bevel shade options is confusing because
' the "white light" option reverses its value depending
' on the "black shade" option
opt(0) = T.BevelOuterShading
opt(1) = T.BevelInnerShading
For i = 0 To 1
' there are four color option buttons, two for each property
f!ColorOpt(i * 2).Tag = Str$((opt(i) < 2 Xor opt(i)) And 1)
f!ColorOpt(i * 2 + 1).Tag = Str$(opt(i) And 2)
f!ColorOpt(4).Tag = Str$(T.BorderOuterColor)
f!ColorOpt(6).Tag = Str$(T.BorderInnerColor)
' might need to be set topmost
SetWindowPos BevelOptFrm.hWnd, TopMost, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOACTIVATE
f.Show 1
If Trim$(f.Tag) = "1" Then
' OK was pressed
T.BevelOuter = Val(f!Tabs(0).Tag)
T.BevelInner = Val(f!Tabs(1).Tag)
T.BorderOuter = Val(f!Tabs(2).Tag)
T.BorderInner = Val(f!Tabs(3).Tag)
T.BevelOuterWidth = Val(f!WidthLab(0))
T.BevelInnerWidth = Val(f!WidthLab(1))
T.BorderOuterWidth = Val(f!WidthLab(2))
T.BorderInnerWidth = Val(f!WidthLab(3))
For i = 0 To 1
opt(i) = Val(f!ColorOpt(i * 2 + 1).Tag)
opt(i) = opt(i) + Val(f!ColorOpt(i * 2).Tag) Xor (opt(i) < 2) And 1
T.BevelOuterShading = opt(0)
T.BevelInnerShading = opt(1)
T.BorderOuterColor = Val(f!ColorOpt(4).Tag)
T.BorderInnerColor = Val(f!ColorOpt(6).Tag)
End If
Unload BevelOptFrm
End Sub
Sub ShowForm ()
'* *
'* Show theTime's form. Can't just do a show method *
'* because the form's title and borders may or may *
'* not be present and the form may have the TopMost *
'* position and good old VB doesn't support setting *
'* these things at run time. *
'* *
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim w As Integer, h As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim Clrect As RECT
Dim l As Long
If Border Then
End If
If Zoomed Then
End If
l = SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE, l)
If Zoomed = 0 Then
x = MyRect.Left
y = MyRect.Top
w = MyRect.Right - x
h = MyRect.Bottom - y
If x > dtw - BorderSize Then
x = dtw - w
End If
If y > dth - BorderSize Then
y = dth - h
End If
If Border Then i = BorderSize
x = -i
y = -i
w = dtw + 2 * i
h = dth + 2 * i
End If
' the next line fires the move and form resize event and makes
' the form visible
' (note this is only way to set topmost)
SetWindowPos hWnd, TopMost, x, y, w, h, SWP_NOACTIVATE
If Not Stuck Then SetFocus
If Zoomed Then
MyPlace.Length = 22
GetWindowPlacement hWnd, MyPlace
CopyRect MyPlace.rcNormalPosition, MyRect
SetWindowPlacement hWnd, MyPlace
End If
TimePan.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub ShowTime ()
'* *
'* Set the border and title or lack thereof window *
'* style and the topmost position while you're at *
'* it. *
'* *
Dim l As Long
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim w As Integer, h As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim flag As Long
Dim Clrect As RECT
If Border <> OldBorder Then
GetWindowRect hWnd, MyRect
GetClientRect hWnd, Clrect
Zoomed = IsZoomed(hWnd)
flag = WS_VISIBLE ' no border, no caption, no nothin
If Zoomed = 0 Then
If Border Then
x = MyRect.Left - BorderSize
y = MyRect.Top - TitleSize - BorderSize
w = MyRect.Right - MyRect.Left + 2 * BorderSize
h = MyRect.Bottom - MyRect.Top + TitleSize + 2 * BorderSize
x = MyRect.Left + BorderSize
y = MyRect.Top + TitleSize + BorderSize
w = Clrect.Right - Clrect.Left
h = Clrect.Bottom - Clrect.Top
End If
If Border Then i = BorderSize
x = -i
y = -i
w = dtw + 2 * i
h = dth + 2 * i
End If
If Border Then
flag = flag Or WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW Or WS_VISIBLE ' back to normal
End If
If Zoomed Then
flag = flag Or WS_MAXIMIZE
End If
l = SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE, flag)
SetWindowPos hWnd, TopMost, x, y, w, h, SWP_NOACTIVATE
OldBorder = Border
SetWindowPos hWnd, TopMost, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE Or SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOACTIVATE
End If
End Sub
Sub Timer1_Timer ()
'* *
'* Event handler for the timer. Update the time. *
'* *
Dim mm As String, yy As String
sTime = "h:mm"
If (DateOption And DO_MT) = 0 Then sTime = sTime & " A/P"
sDate = ""
If DateOption And DO_DN Then sDate = "dddd "
mm = "mmm"
If DateOption And DO_FM Then mm = "mmmm"
yy = "yy "
If DateOption And DO_FY Then yy = "yyyy "
Select Case DateOption And DO_DF
Case 0 'no date
Case 1 'd/m/y
sDate = sDate & "m/d/" & yy
Case 2 'm-d-y
sDate = sDate & "dd-" & mm & "-" & yy
Case 3 'm d, y
sDate = sDate & mm & " d, " & yy
Case 4 'm d
sDate = sDate & mm & " d "
End Select
If sDate <> "" Then
sDate = Format$(Now, sDate)
End If
If Command$ <> "" Then
sDate = Command$ & " " & sDate
End If
If sDate <> "" And ((DateOption And DO_1L) = 0) Then
sDate = RTrim$(sDate) & nl ' two lines
End If
sTime = Format$(Now, sTime)
If IsIconic(hWnd) Then
If sTime <> Caption Then Caption = sTime
ElseIf sDate & sTime <> TimePan.Caption Then
TimePan.Caption = sDate & sTime
End If
If ErasingBackgrnd = 1 Then EraseBackGrnd
End Sub